About Northwest
Vision StatementThe staff, parents, and community of Northwest High School will provide a safe, nurturing learning environment where kindness, mutual respect, and academic excellence are expected and achieved. We will prepare students who are committed to lifelong learning so that as graduates they become successful, contributing members of society. Mission Statement The Northwest High School community will ensure a stimulating environment where students feel comfortable and secure. We will provide challenging and diverse course offerings and activities in an environment where stakeholders will work collaboratively, encourage inquiry, and believe in all students’ success. Core BeliefsThe staff, students and parents of Northwest High School believe that: - Every student is capable of learning and succeeding.
- The pursuit of excellence is fundamental and unending.
- An ethical school requires fair treatment, honesty, openness, integrity, and respect.
- A high-quality school strives to be responsive and accountable to its community.
Goals:Goal 1: NWHS will improve student achievement by increasing the number of students who are academically eligible from 77.4% to 100% and increasing the number of students on the honor roll from 39.7% to 45% by the end of the school year. Goal 2: NWHS will improve school climate as measured by a reduction in the suspension rate from 13.94% to 6.5% (MCPS target rate) and a reduction in referral rates from 66.39% to 61.39% by the end of the school year. Goal 3: All students at Northwest High School will meet the state testing requirements by achieving a combined score of 1602 on all four HSA tests or fulfilling the Bridge Plan for Academic Validation.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 25 March 2022 )