Northwest High School Library Media Center
Know where to find information and how to use it - that's the secret to success. -Albert Einstein


Online Subscription Databases

Username/login and password information is needed to access these databases from home. This information is available on the Library Media Center page on Edline and at the Library Media Center.

Weather forecasts by zip code or location name; satellite imagery maps Resources on American Government: foundations, branches, rights, & policy
American History resources from 1350-present

Information about people who influenced American History

Includes over 2,000 primary source documents from U.S. history AP photos with captions (from 1800s-present), tables, maps, timelines, etc.
Information about countries, including maps, flags, and political data Comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news

Information countries and the U.S. states. Reports includes maps & statistics

Four encyclopedias plus an Internet guide, atlas, videos; includes study guides

Britannica’s Spanish language encyclopedia, includes an atlas

Current events with statistical data and articles linked by issues
Information about literature and poetry, with criticisms and biographies Includes literature, author biographies, contemporary criticism, and reviews

Academic search engine; accesses educator-selected websites, w/o ads!

Generates bibliographies using MLA Style; need login info to create account
Current social issues; includes viewpoint articles, stats, and links

The most complete dictionary of the English Language in the world

Comprehensive database of newspaper and periodical articles Overviews, biographies, illustrations, and website links on all things science

20th century American sources

Many reference materials & resources on, social issues, health, science, business
Biographies, essays, background information, and critical analyses Plagiarism prevention and peer review tool used by English classes
Articles and primary sources from pre-colonial times to the present day

A comprehensive dictionary that includes etymology and illustrations

General encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas; includes Spanish encyclopedia

Contains information about countries that can be used to create comparative charts
Great for Modern World History research, from 1500 to the present Ancient and Medieval resources covering prehistory through 1500