Weather forecasts by zip code or location name; satellite imagery maps |
Resources on American Government: foundations, branches, rights, & policy |
American History resources from 1350-present |
Information about people who influenced American History |
Includes over 2,000 primary source documents from U.S. history |
AP photos with captions (from 1800s-present), tables, maps, timelines, etc. |
Information about countries, including maps, flags, and political data |
Comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news |
Information countries and the U.S. states. Reports includes maps & statistics |
Four encyclopedias plus an Internet guide, atlas, videos; includes study guides |
Britannica’s Spanish language encyclopedia, includes an atlas |
Current events with statistical data and articles linked by issues |
Information about literature and poetry, with criticisms and biographies |
Includes literature, author biographies, contemporary criticism, and reviews |
Academic search engine; accesses educator-selected websites, w/o ads! |
Generates bibliographies using MLA Style; need login info to create account |
Current social issues; includes viewpoint articles, stats, and links |
The most complete dictionary of the English Language in the world |
Comprehensive database of newspaper and periodical articles |
Overviews, biographies, illustrations, and website links on all things science |
20th century American sources |
Many reference materials & resources on, social issues, health, science, business |
Biographies, essays, background information, and critical analyses |
Plagiarism prevention and peer review tool used by English classes |
Articles and primary sources from pre-colonial times to the present day |
A comprehensive dictionary that includes etymology and illustrations |
General encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas; includes Spanish encyclopedia |
Contains information about countries that can be used to create comparative charts |
Great for Modern World History research, from 1500 to the present |
Ancient and Medieval resources covering prehistory through 1500 |