NWHS Photo Officers Alex Karton Amanda McIntire Sponsor Mr. Fitzgerald Thank you for being interested. If you are interested in photography, A photography club here at NWHS is being established. Only truly photographic interested students are encouraged to join. A Club that just hangs and does nothing productive is not ideal. You are welcome if you are interested in improving your photography. You don’t have to be one that wants to do this as a career, although, you can, but just interested in improving your own skill, having fun, socializing with other students with like interests, and preferably have your own camera. This group will concentrate on digital photography. There is already a teacher that teaches the darkroom and older conventional skills. We will meet Tuesday's after school at 2:30 PM. Mr. Fitz's photo show on Flickr.com: Mr. Fitz's Photo Show Web page designed by
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Web Site updated Sunday, January 4, 2022 8:24 AM
Last Updated ( Friday, 17 April 2022 )