Seniors- Pres: Rachel Handel
- VP: Edwin Mora
- 1st VP: Lily Tilahun
- Sec: Brooke Seaman
- Trea: Castor Estrada
- Parl: Theresa DiPeppe
- Hist: Nikki Shellhardt
- Sponsors: Anne Marcinko -
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- Clayton Putnam -
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Class of 2008 News - GET INVOLVED SENIORS !!!!!! FLASH !!! A. Cap & Gown prices increased to $80 . . . January to Feb. 29th !!! B. Graduation is June 11th - 10:00 am at DAR in Washington, D.C. County Executive Ike Leggett will present the Commencment Address !!! C. Thanks to all regarding Fruit Sales (Projected) $2,000 for Class of 2008 !! D. Cap & Gown prices increase March 1st to $100 (Don't wait, pay now)
1. Cap & Gown . . . "Show Me the Money " When: Every Monday during lunch Where: 1st Floor - Cafeteria How: Cash or Check made out to NWHS What: $80 cap & gown fee (until Feb. 29th) Who: Sponsor will collect fee & give out a receipt (Need Cap & Gown form, see Mr. Putnam - Room 212) 2. Any Fundraiser Ideas . . . TELL US !!! A. Senior Class Meetings on Mondays during Lunch B. Meet with Senior Class Sponsors in ROOM #230 C. It's Your Class . . . SENIORS . . . GET INVOLVED !!!
Mr. Putnam (Sponsor) in room #212 Mrs. Marcinko (Sponsor) in room #230
SGA OFFICERS- President: Stephanie Acha-Morfaw
- 1st Vice-President: Lily Tilahun
- 2nd Vice-President: John Dinardo
- 3rd Vice-President: Lexi Bolls
- 4th Vice-President: Nicole Kusi
- Secretary: Mallorie Ortega
- Treasurer: Max Henny
- Historian: Ivonne Espinosa
- Parliamentarian: Michael Zuckerman
- MCR Liason: Meena Miller
- Sponsors: Marie Franklin / Kristin Donnelly