The PTSA has formed a Safety Committee, one in which the members of the school’s community will play a valuable role in. The committee is comprised of the PTSA President and chairs, NWHS security team members, the Educational Facilities Officer (MCPD officer), staff members, SGA representatives, and parents from Northwest and feeder middle schools. The goal of this safety committee will be to hear issues affecting the safety of our children at the school, to learn about any issues having been faced, to evaluate school safety-related data and, when necessary, to independently investigate the protocols employed following an incident at the school, among other things. Our goals at the local school level are for broader accountability, information sharing and to offer a venue for all members to share concerns and from which to take back information to their representative groups, as well as a voice with which to share those concerns, information and safety priorities with the school administration and MCPS. The Committee anticipates meeting once a month, as needed. Meetings will alternate between after-school and evening times in order to accommodate as many members’ schedules as possible. Stay in touch by joining the Safety Committee’s Yahoo Group (below). The Safety Committee is in search of candid, anonymous and confidential feedback that we will compile with the results from other interviews with stakeholder groups. We’ll look forward to hearing from and working with you. Beth Kennington, Chair
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(240) 994-1400 Susan Burkinshaw, Chair
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